Every day is different. Today, more than ever, we are confronted with change in an ever-expanding, fast-paced manner. Life can be quite the struggle . . . or it can be an adventure we embrace; confident with the skills we possess for navigating its great rapids and finding our own restful eddies.

Ancient Shamanic Wisdom is rich with eternal insights for living in balance with all that is around us, and all that is within us. Wisdom teachings from many sources and lineages recommend similar approaches to connecting and communing with life in a way that is natural and resilient.

Take a few moments each day to give thanks for the earth beneath your feet and the sky above your head. Offer up a good intention or a prayer for sustaining all of life’s creations.

Look around you for the signs and symbols prevalent in all of the natural world. A winged crosses your path or a chipmunk comes out to greet you as you sit upon a rock. A Japanese Maple tree inspires you with its serenity or a blossoming lilac bush pulls your attention with its fragrance.

Be gentle in the steps you take upon our earth, conserving all she has to offer. Be an earth guardian in the way you choose to live and the natural world will offer many gifts. It’s the beauty of a reciprocal relationship.
May you celebrate the gift of life today by walking in balance with all that is around you
and all that is within you, bringing forth a natural and eternal harmony of life!