Happy Autumn Equinox!

Today is a great day to take a few minutes to pause and reflect on how life has been through the spring and the summer:

  • What were your goals for this time and what have you accomplished? What surprises came your way!
  • Equinox is about the balance of light and dark, so also consider your disappointments were around this time….
  • Is there anyone you need to forgive? Do you need to forgive yourself for something? There are often gifts to be found in our “mistakes.”
  • Where can you cultivate more balance in your life? Equinox is a great time to set intentions around balance.
  • What can you let go of? Where can you surrender?
  • And what would you like to draw toward you? What would you like to embrace? Autumn Equinox is a crucial time to gather stores for the winter: physical, mental, and emotional sustenance.
  • HARVEST time is one of gratitude to the Earth and the many ways she provides for us. How can you express your appreciation? I donated to 4Ocean a non-profit working to clean up our oceans.

As we embrace the growing darkness of Fall, we prepare energetically for the contemplative shorter days of Winter, a time to pull inward and reflect on our own wisdom.

*On a personal note: As I look over my very long list of goals and intentions for this summer, I have checked off almost everything on that list! I’ve accomplished many work and home projects, including turning in my sixth book to the publisher and a major backyard landscaping of the meditation garden. What has not been checked off? “sitting in the hanging chair and reading; laying in the hammock; long leisurely walks” … Yikes! What’s wrong with this picture! Ha! Well, I WAS busy this summer with fun activities, too. But my reflection shows me what’s still missing and I’m scheduling it in before the weather shifts. 🙂

I’d love to hear about YOUR Equinox reflections!

Learn more about 4Ocean in this Forbes article 
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