We’re Pleased to Be Entered in the COVR Awards 2024

Health & Wellness category; Personal Growth & Self-Help Category

Whoever you are, wherever you are,
whatever is going on in your life,
this is the call …
come home …
to yourself.

Check Out Our Preview Sample!

A Delightful Companion for Living a Happy, Authentic Life

Turtle Wisdom: Coming Home to Yourself will uplift you on a bad day, remind you of your worth in moments of doubt, and give you a boost no matter what. Whimsically illustrated, this endearing keepsake is filled with comfort, encouragement, inspiration, and strategies for empowered living. It will help you build a dependable, resilient core of unshakable confidence and well-being.

Originally written for Donna’s coaching clients as a touchstone between sessions, this precious book’s encouraging message of treasuring yourself so you can design your very best life, unexpectedly spread through many countries, being published worldwide. Its timelessly tender words were shared, like a warm embrace, from friend to friend around the globe for over eighteen years. Donna DeNomme has spent a lifetime helping people claim their true voice.

I treasure my COVR Awards: Ophelia’s Oracle (for girls); 8 Keys to Wholeness; Turtle Wisdom Personal Illumination Cards; As You Feel, So You Heal: A Write of Passage recognized for excellence

Vote Here

Coalition of Visionary Resources

Voters Guide click here

if you’d like to browse all nominees

Turtle Wisdom can be found in Health & Wellness on page 11
and Personal Growth & Self-Help on page 13

Your Vote Counts! Will you help Turtle Wisdom be recognized
for excellence and reader popularity?

Your support means the world to me. Your vote makes a big difference.

The Coalition of Visionary Resources is a respected leader in the Mind-Body-Spirit industry. COVR selects the best of the best among new products in electronic media, jewelry, music, and books and puts their stamp of approval through the coveted COVR Awards.